Banzai, Ltd. has founded in 1920 at Tokyo, Japan, and after that has been consistently providing automotive service equipment and inspection equipment not only to Japan also worldwide, and gained high appreciation.
Banzai (Thailand) Ltd. is the company founded by Banzai, Ltd. in 1969 as a local subsidiary.
It is Banzai philosophy to provide various product, from one single spanner to a large systems, accurately and quickly under a supporting organization that can be trusted by customers, and it is not change even at overseas.
We are believing that safeness, comfortableness, and also protection of the environment are always required to automotive service market. We are standing under such a point of view, always provide best products and best after servicing as the market require.
Banzai is a brand with unchanged accuracy. We believe your expectation to our development growing along with our customers will be surely achieved.
Akihiro Yanagida, President